Snowdrop Group

We publish a magazine twice a year and have a members day in February. Our event held on 17th February this year was a huge success with talks from Paul Smythe from Ireland on Angela Jupe and Bellefield House and Ross Barber on snowdrops and associated plants. The garden visit was to Picton Garden - created by the famous Percy Picton and now run by Ross and Helen Barbour.


For further information contact Pamela Lucas

T: 01235 555536 

E: (please replace AT with @) or post to Pamela Lucas 29 Stert Street, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 

Fill in contact form ➝


Members must belong to The Cottage Garden Society before they apply to join the Snowdrop Group.   Members normally receive two newsletters each year and there is a Snowdrop Day (at an extra charge) with snowdrop sales, talks and a garden visit, 

Members are welcome to bring one guest to Snowdrop Group events, but priority is always given to members.

Contributions and articles for the newsletter are always welcome and should be sent to Pamela Lucas

Snowdrop Group Membership Renewal ➝

How to join

The cost to join is £5 for a single membership and £7 for a joint (for two people living at the same address. European membership is £10. Members must belong to The Cottage Garden Society before they apply to join the Snowdrop Group. Members normally receive two newsletters each year and there is a Snowdrop Day (at an extra charge) with snowdrop sales, talks and a garden visit, mid February, which takes place at a different venue each year. If you wish to become a member and receive details when they are released it is best to join before the November newsletter is sent out which has all the details of the event and how to apply. You can download and fill in the application form from the website or fill in the one from the newsletter when it is sent.

Group Resources

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